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Outreach and Teaching


Our team of outreach teachers work with pupils who are not able to access education outside their homes as a result of medical needs.  We work closely with your child's school to find out what work they have missed, and we work with your child 1:1 at home to help them to catch up and engage positively in education once more.  We also think it is important that your child is given the chance to learn more about the things that they are interested in, so we can create individual packages of teaching to meet their specific needs.

Our team of teachers will also sometimes work with small groups of pupils in a local library or Children’s Centre once they are able to leave the house and access their learning somewhere local. We also have a Wednesday drop in session at our Meadway Hub for students to use as a stepping stone to gradually transition from working 1-1 to small group learning. This supports pupils to build new friendships and peer relationships as well as building confidence in their ability to study and engage in a public and more open environment.

Overall, the aim of the outreach teachers is to build up your child's education so that they can integrate gradually back into school or into our Meadway Hub. 

Hospital Teaching

Discovery Classroom is located next to the Galaxy Ward Outpatients area on the second floor of Barnet General Hospital. The classroom is a well-resourced learning environment that is able to offer the core curriculum during Pavilion School days to school-age children aged between 4 – 16 years old, while they are in hospital.  It can additionally provide support for self-study for 16 – 18 year olds who may also access the learning environment.  Approx. 750 students access education via Discovery Bay each academic year.

The classroom is staffed by 2 fte teachers and 1 fte teaching assistant.  The staff in the classroom are trained in safeguarding in the Hospital environment, including specific training in infection control and child/adolescent mental health awareness.

The classroom accommodates up to 6 children each half-day session; additionally, children may be taught on the ward or in cubicles, according to need.  An average of 6 students typically access education on Galaxy ward each session and average teaching time for each student is typically 2.5 hours.  Average length of admission for patients is 4 days. A significant number of children are present on the ward due to mental health issues or ongoing medical conditions, and an increasing number for social reasons. 

The setting is highly responsive to the wellbeing needs of the children on each particular day, together with their medical or  mental health needs and treatments. We aim to ensure that all Pavilion values are embedded in our daily practice- for both staff and students. Parents or carers are typically present with the patients on the ward, and on occasion may stay with them in the classroom, until they are settled. 

School-age (Reception to Y13) children that are inpatients on Barnet General Hospital Galaxy (paediatric) ward are offered teaching by The Pavilion. The Education Team offer the core curriculum during Pavilion School days and additionally provide support for self-study. For students admitted for an extended period of time, or those likely to have reoccurring admissions to Galaxy Ward, we liaise closely with the student’s school in order to ensure they can continue with the work they would have been doing.


  • Core subjects – English, Maths & Science
  • Where possible – link in with students' current school topics
  • SEN support - including scribing, reading, sensory learning
  • Social skills – promoting health, wellbeing and group working
  • Exam invigilation – GCSE examination approved centre
  • British Values
  • Celebrations and festivals


  • Online learning resources – via PC, latop and ipad
  • Interactive whiteboard – with touch-screen, connected to online resources
  • Interactive/sensory play equipment
  • Outreach visits – Museum of Childhood
  • Visiting teachers - Artist in residence

If a student is admitted for an extended period of time, or they are likely to have reoccurring admissions to Galaxy Ward, we aim to liaise closely with the student’s school in order to ensure they can continue with the work they would have been doing.  We also aim to have an outline of what they will be covering in school over the course of the year, so that if they are admitted in the future the student can continue working on topics they would have been doing at their own school.

The manager for the Classroom is Justine Qoutteineh and the teacher in charge is Helen Daly.